local participants only

This page is still work in progress, we are learning as we go. Please be patient, we will get there. 🙂

What to expect?

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Practical info - FAQ


  • Anyone interested in USE-IT project, digital maps and funding of non-profit projects in tourism.
  • The capacity of the event is 50 international and 20 local participants, after signing up, please wait for us to send you the confirmation email. In case there are more applicants than we can host we reserve the rights to make the final choice based on criteria given by the currently running European projects. All USE-IT members and USE-IT board members will be accepted.
  • Yes, of course! Just fill in the registration form and we’ll reach out to you.
  • Yes, you can still participate on Saturday programme. Please, fill in this form (and provide an email address) and we’ll reach out to you. 🙂
  • If you are a regular participant, please, arrive on 30th May. We plan to meet you around 7pm for a welcome drink. The next 3 days will be full of programme, finishing on Sunday 2nd at 5pm. We expect you to spend the evening together with us. We will provide the accommodation and finish with the evaluation breakfast on Monday 3rd. If you plan on leaving on Sunday evening, please let us know on time. If you need more time to explore Prague, please read the question below.
  • If you are a DIG-IT partner, we expect you to arrive on 29th May to be present at the DIG-IT partners meeting which will take place on 30th May. The rest is the same as for regular participants.
  • If you are a FUND-IT partner or a pilot city representative, we expect you to stay for the FUND-IT partners meeting on 3rd June and leave on 4th June.
  • You will have some free evening time, you can explore Prague on travel days or you can book your transport one day before or after the conference (the travel costs will be reimbursed, but not your other costs). We are also preparing a special surprise to enjoy Prague as a local, not only with the paper map!
  • here you can find some tips (but some are happening during the time of the conference)
  • The event is organized by USE-IT Europe and Jůzit, z. s. (USE-IT Prague team) together with DIG-IT and FUND-IT partners. You can learn more about our projects in the projects section.


  • breakfasts from Friday to Monday (for those accommodated in botel)
  • welcome drink on Thursday
  • Friday dinner
  • Saturday lunch
  • Sunday lunch
  • for others, we’ll give you some tips
  • you have 200 Kč on your card
  • find a right place for you here!
  • you can use it repeatedly or you can return the card to us if you won’t exhaust it
  • we will eat at Countrylife
  • we will only pay for the weighed food and nothing from the display case

Accommodation and necessities

  • We will provide:
    • full entry to all the activities
    • accommodation (from 30th May to 3rd June in Botel Vodnik) including breakfast there (vegetarian and vegan options will be available),
    • one other meal per day (we plan coffee breaks as well:)
    • tickets for public transport
    • we will refund your travel costs to and from Prague up to 200 EUR (for participants not paying the registration fee)
  • For partners meetings we will provide one extra meal and a higher travel costs reimbursement (to be discussed within the team based on the overall travel costs)
  • We still work to raise more fundings, so it is possible we can provide more, but we don’t want to promise now.
  • The participants who are not mentioned below are kindly asked to pay a registration fee of 200 EUR and to cover all their travel costs:
    • current members of the network (1 person per city)
    • DIG-IT and FUND-IT partners (who attend one or more partners meetings)
    • pilot city or representatives (1 per city) or DIG-IT study-cases representatives
    • board members
    • For participants from Prague we do not provide accommodation and do not refund travel costs and they do not have to pay the registration fee

  • You will fill in your reimbursement info together with evaluation form after the conference, so keep all the receipts + boarding passes!
  • You will submit it in 1 week and then it will take us apporoximately 2 weeks for admin and sending.
  • clothes + umbrella (temperature is usually 20–25 °C)
  • there are free toiletries at the botel
  • powerbank (portable battery) if you have
  • fancy clothes & glitters for the awards
  • maps (as many as you can)
  • laptop + charger
  • you are accommodated at Botel Vodník (you can find it in our map)
    • check-in after 14:00, check-out before 10:00
    • please follow quiet hours 22:00–7:00
    • Botel Vodník is also on, you can find more details there


  • general emergency number is 112
  • if you are lost and lack info, you can call our Anička: +420 728 515 765
  • there will be a WhatsApp group for updates & navigation and sharing photos
  • please also join our Discord channel for deeper topics & questions
  • Post about your meeting experience and win the prize!

It can be stories, posts, reels (on IG and/or FB) and use mandatory tags and hashtags. We will choose the most interesting and funny social media ninja and award them during the USE-IT Awards night!

  • hashtags to use:
    • always: #useitmaps #useitprague #useitmeeting2024 @useitprague & other cities
    • #solotravel #travel #wanderlust #iliketouseituseit #actlikealocal
    • FUND-IT: #fundit #funding @funditeurupe
    • DIG-IT: #digit #digitalmaps
    • at the towers: #prague @cityofprague and @praguecitytoursim

How to get to the botel?

  • For the journey from the airport to the Botel Vodnik, get on the bus #100 at the platform in front of the arrival hall. Get off at the last stop Zličín and change to the yellow metro line B. Get on the train on platform 2 (right) and go 8 stops to Smíchovské nádraží. The walk from Smíchovské nádraží to the Botel Vodník takes around 5 minutes


    You will need to buy a 90 minute ticket (price: 40 CZK). The ticket can be easily purchased and paid by card in yellow vending machines in the arrival hall or at the bus stop platform. Alternatively, you can buy a ticket at the information desk of the Prague Public Transport in the arrival hall. Don’t forget to validate (stamp) your ticket as soon as you get on the bus. 


    To learn more about the Prague public transport watch the useful video by Janek Rubeš (aka Honest Guide) 


    Google map route planner (from Terminal 2 to Botel Vodnik) 


    Official website of the Prague public transport 


    You can also purchase a ticket with the mobile app PID Lítačka. We suggest validating the mobile ticket immediately after purchase or at least 2 minutes before you get on the bus. 

  • If you arrive by train to the Prague main train station (aka Praha hl.n. or Hlavní nádraží), you can change there to a train S7 (to Karlštejn or Beroun) departing every 30 minutes (at :15 and :45), or you can take a train Ex6 (to München, Cheb or Plzeň) departing at 15:23, 16:23, 17:23, 18:35, 19:35 etc. The journey from Praha hl.n. to the first stop at Praha-Smíchov (aka Smíchovské nádraží) takes around 7 minutes. 

Google map route planner (from Main Train Station to Botel Vodnik) 

You can purchase an online train ticket with the mobile app MŮJ VLAK (My Train) or PID Lítačka.

The slower and longer alternative might be a tram #5 from Hlavní nádraží to Smíchovské nádraží (18 minutes, 12 stops).

Please note, if you travel by train from Munich or Bavaria (via Plzeň), you can get off already at Praha-Smíchov. 

  • If you arrive by bus to the main bus terminal at Praha-Florenc, you can go to the Botel Vodník by metro.

The walk from the bus terminal to the Florenc metro station takes around 5 minutes. There are two metro lines at Florenc, so make sure that you are on the yellow metro line B. Get on the train (going to Zličín) and go 6 stops to Smíchovské nádraží. The walk from the Smíchovské nádraží station to the Botel Vodník takes around 5 minutes.

Google Maps route from Florenc bus terminal to Botel Vodník

You will need a 30 minute ticket (price: 30 CZK). It can be easily purchased and paid by card at yellow vending machines at the metro station. Don’t forget to validate (stamp) your ticket in front of the escalators.

Alternatively, you can buy an online ticket with the mobile app PID Lítačka, or a printed ticket at RELAY newsstands.


Map is still work in progress. Click on it and then click on “Let’s czeck” to see something happening. 🙂

In case you have a problem with our map, you can always consult google maps, but there is no description 🙂


link with updated info: document

the prettier version  ↓


About our projects

DIG-IT project

DIG-IT project aims to: Improve digital skills of youth leaders in the field of sustainable urban tourism. Allow experimentation and use youth leaders creativity towards building the community of conscious youth urban tourist. Allow more youth initiatives to share local tourist info in a contemporary way using digital media. Reach a wider audience of youth urban travellers.

Project activities are divided in three groups: Teaching and knowledge sharing about webuilding and embedded map (online seminars, online platform, guidebook). Testing and experimentation (Hackhaton, study cases, brainstorming, lab testing, focus groups). Based on the results of the previous set of activities: Development of a new platform for young travellers and for the community of youth leaders involved in sustainable tourism (design, copywriting, web development beta and alfa, conference).

Thanks to DIG-IT the community of youth leaders who create fresh alternative touristic paper maps will be more skilled in IT so they are able to share their creative content online. Young travellers will have access to a platform where they will find digital maps and content, providing them with honest tourist information from young locals in different European cities.

Young leaders will have a strong innovative tool to convince official funders to support their initiative.

You can explore our catalogue that consists the knowledge about digital mapping tools! 🙂

FUND-IT project

FUND-IT project wants to improve young people’s entrepreneurial skills, so they start to plan more, pay more and better attention to financial matters and think about their business models. Even in a non-profit area. Sustainability and efficiency is a key to expanding the impact of these youth projects. Different models of funding should be examined and improved. We focus on an international group of young initiatives that sprang up around the USE-IT project. The non-commercial USE-IT map guides created by locals, honest and practical, are showing the real face of cities, breaking a bubble between locals

and travelers. The worthiness of their mission is obvious since it meets European values on many levels. It supports intercultural understanding, fights the social exclusion between locals and tourists and does create European citizens. It is truly bottom-up and the maps show that there is “unity in diversity”.

Explore our beta toolbox and platform! 🙂

FUND-IT general poster

USE-IT Europe

USE-IT stands for no-nonsense tourist info for young people. USE-IT maps and websites are made by young locals, are not commercial, free, and up-to-date. Some also have a visitors desk, mostly run by volunteers. Every USE-IT publishes a Map for Young Travellers that will guide you through the city in a no-nonsense way. For more info, please visit USE-IT Europe website.

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Our team


⚓ Ask someone from the crew. 🙂

First officer Kiki

⚓ Ask me anything that you are too afraid to ask Eva. 🙂

Scavenger officer Stefan

⚓ Ask me about the game and food.

Lifeguard Anička

⚓ Call me if you are lost.

Treasurer Terka

⚓ Ask me about the reimbursements.


⚓ You can thank me for the preperations.

Navigator Jonathan

⚓ The functioning of the map is my piece of work. ⚓

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